Eclipse Over Dallas Fort Worth, Texas

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Lo -97.0376   la 32.8972
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Eclipse time: See the moon phase over Dallas Fort Worth, Texas hometown, today or any date to see sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset times and KDFW airport weather.
Dallas Fort Worth Texas
Local Time
Sunrise:   Sunset:

Dallas Fort Worth Airport | KDFW

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Airport Weather - U.S.A.

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Ephemeral Data

eclipse path
On April 8, 2024, a total eclipse of the sun will sweep across North America from the Southwest to the Northeast continental United States. The path of the eclipse begins near Mazatlan, Mexico before noon local time and travels North through Texas on its way to upper Eastern Seaboard. Our illustration above shows that the new moon conjunction coincides with the red dot (node of the ecliptic). The white dot indicates lunar perigee. Since the moon is near perigee, its apparent size is larger, which produces a total eclipse. We have listed links to our pages for Del Rio, Texas; Dallas Fort Worth, Texas; and Cleveland Ohio. If you live anywhere near the path of the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, get some eye protection and get out and take a look.
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Our moon phase calculator converts Julian Day Numbers and calendar dates to display moonrise, sunrise, and sunset for five millenniums. It is a companion tool for our book on Seventh-Day Adventist prophecy.
We investigated Daniel's 2300-day and seventy-week prophecies in depth. They reveal the exact time of Christ's birth, baptism, crucifixion, and end-time events by correctly interpreting Bible symbolism. See if you agree. Also available as an ebook for your reading device.

Date and time are expressed at the Prime Meridian, Greenwich, England, using a 24-hour clock. Your local date and time depends on your time zone offset (+/- hrs.).

Date Field: Enter a date and time. Then "submit Date" to see the Julian Day Number. Gregorian dates are used after 1582 and Julian dates before 1582.

Julian Day Field: Enter a whole or fractional Julian Day Number greater than 808299 and less than 2634167. Then "Submit aJDN." Enter a lattitude (negative south of equator) and longitude (negative west of Greenwich).

Add or subtract days by entering a whole or decimal number of days. Place a minus symbol in front of the number of days to subtract. Enter a zero stop adding.